🏜ī¸Desert Worlds

Seas of never-ending change. A simple gust of wind can change my entire world.

Desert Worlds are realms of endless sand and parched soil; their surfaces are often dry and covered in dust. Continental deserts reveal nothing but endless horizons of rolling sand drifts. They are forming within the hearts of these deserts, colossal dunes that reach such a size that their razor-thin peaks graze the skies before drifting into the wind in wisps of sand that float for miles. Immense stretches of arid plateaus and brilliant salt plains connect these impressive desserts to unimaginably deep and desolate canyons.

Beneath the surface of these canyons, resilient vegetation and sparse life surround whatever streams of water had survived over the eons before the tremendous rivers that sculpted the landscape withered away. Though scarce, desert worlds also contain miraculous locations of heavenly paradise filled with wondrous life forms. These oases of awe-inspiring beauty are water-rich biomes with optimal climates, perfectly insulated from the harsh landscapes surrounding them.

Planets with a molten inner core were rocky formations at one point, yet due to the constant, incessant bombardment of space, those hard rocks soon turned to finely powdered sands. These planets come in a myriad of colors that defy imagination. Just underneath the surface, vast water canals exist, pushing the sand and remaking the dunes covering the planet's surface.

Just underneath the endless shifting sands, life has found a way to survive. With powerful adaptations, creatures adapted to the arid temperatures swim through the sands like water. These creatures navigate the lands by feeling and detecting the sound of moving sand. The planet is a vast supply of raw materials for construction.

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