🔱Prime Assets

Character-level digital assets for MMORPG gameplay.

Prime Assets make up all the critical collectibles for the day-to-day MMORPG gameplay. Prime Assets will be upgradeable, come with special effects, and have many properties - many of these actions will come with requirements (XP Level, Faction Rank, Win Numbers, and so on).


Citizens are the characters that users play as in the OpenWorld MMORPG, which are unique to their Planet NFTs and come in various species. Users will be able to level up and craft their characters all throughout gameplay.

Genetic Identity

Intelligent Life across the Galaxy is descended from 6 Prime Genetic Lines: Terran, Atlan, Oyoloun, Orochi, Kyons, and Synths. Every Character belongs to one of these 6 Races.

Read more about the 6 Prime Genetic Lines here.


Weapons will be an exciting part of the OpenWorld MMORPG, as we are implementing melee, energy, and projectile weapons in various themes. This will allow for hundreds of custom items that players will own digitally. Specific weapons stats and weapon balancing will be coming in the future!

Melee Weapons

Each Melee Weapon will come in 4 different ExoWorlds themes: Alien, Dystopian, Hyperfuturistic, and Solarpunk.

A close-quarters weapon that is small size allows for quick, precise strikes, making it ideal for stealthy kills. Its damage output is moderate, but its speed and precision make up for it. It's best suited for close-quarters combat.

Projectile Weapons

Each Projectile Weapon will come in 4 different ExoWorlds themes: Alien, Dystopian, Hyperfuturistic, and Solarpunk. Pistol Class

The pistol is a precise weapon that is well-suited for close-range engagements and can be used as a secondary weapon in conjunction with a primary rifle. Its strengths include fast reload times and accuracy in short bursts of fire. It is also useful as a backup weapon when the player runs out of ammo for their primary weapon.

Energy Weapons

All energy weapons exactly like their projectile counterparts with the exception that they use energy as ammo and therefor do not reload. Instead energy weapons overheat reaching their power-draw limit.

The pistol is a precise weapon with moderate damage that is well-suited for close-range engagements and can be used as a secondary weapon in conjunction with a primary rifle. Its strengths include fast overheat cooldown and accuracy in short bursts of fire.


ExoWorlds will have space, outdoor and indoor environments, and each of these terrains will need certain vehicles to traverse them. Here we explore all the different vehicles that will be featured in the Open-World MMORPG. Remember, as ExoWorlds grows and expands, so will its list of custom vehicles! Aside from this, lore and names for each will be developed.


To journey through an ocean of stars, FTL Spacecrafts are necessary and, therefore, vital for life. All Spacecrafts are equipped with Hyperdrives which access higher dimensions to travel great distances in short amounts of time.

Fighters are small, highly maneuverable spaceships designed for fast, short-range engagements in space. Their strengths include agility, speed, and the ability to change direction quickly. They also usually carry a small number of passengers and cargo. Weaknesses include low armor and a relatively small unit capacity.


Hovercrafts are incredibly useful vehicles for planetary mobility. They have internal shields and can be equipped with heavy-duty weapons.

Light and fast this dual-engine vehicle greatly resembles a motorcycle, yet instead of wheels, it has two energy thrusters and floats on magnets. It is quicksilver on land, and only the most skilled pilots can handle their breakneck speed. It is armed with rockets that lock on enemies due to advanced AI. It is fantastic at striking at close range and retreating, but its low armor and exposed thrusters make it easy to incapacitate.


Wearables will help users to augment levels/stats, help gameplay through quests and design themselves how they wish. Whereas some Wearables will be purely cosmetic, others will give real bonuses, and some will be required to enter restricted locations.


Companions aid players in diverse ways during combat or exploring. They will have to be dominated and trained to be used effectively. Companions come with various abilities; some will be useful in combat, while others will be better for passive scenarios. Companions will also have their own set of wearables, weapons, and defenses.

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