⚔ī¸System Wars

An overview of the interstellar combat system in the upcoming strategy game.

Combat Overview

In the Galactic Strategy Game, each player represents a planetary system, including star(s) and moon(s). So when one player attacks another, they launch a planetary or space-zone assault to win resources, units, and tokens.

Players who seek combat will be matched randomly with players of similar ELO, which will be made up of the levels, upgrades, victories, and other stats that the player has. Players can also take revenge against players who have attacked them.

Attacking is a high-risk, high-reward interaction. You will stand to gain a lot or lose not only resources, units, and tokens but favor with other players. Attacking frequently might brand you a warmonger, potentially making it hard to create allies.

The Stages of Stellar Warfare

Deep Space Battles

Outside the star system is a vast expanse of deep space that can contain various types of assets, whether military, economic, or scientific in nature. Nebula Regions are perfect examples of resource-rich environments where galactic assets might be deployed for harvest, ready to be blindsided. Communication Beacons, FTL Hyperlane Gateways, and other critical infrastructure assets can be found in Deep Space.

Deep Space is hard to defend. It takes longer for response units to arrive - and if communications have been disrupted, backup may not arrive at all.

Victories and Losses in Deep Space are not usually decisive, but if critical assets are lost here, it can spell serious danger in the subsequent stages.

Heliosphere Invasion

The Heliosphere is the boundary of the solar system; invasions here will seek to wipe out the perimeter defenses and head toward the home planet. Colonized worlds, interplanetary defenses, critical system infrastructure, moon bases, and space stations exist in this zone and must be defended in order to maintain economic continuity.

The Heliosphere has much stronger defenses and fewer logistical problems than deep space, and it is a region not so easily won. The invasions of these regions will most likely compose the majority of warfare across the galaxy. Winning an invasion does not guarantee success, as the next stage brings on more challenges and steeper odds.

Planetary Assault

Planets generally have the heaviest defenses and the most capable infrastructures, making it much harder to secure a victory. The battle for planetary control is based on surface and orbital defenses, troop populations, ship numbers, and fleet strength.

There is a large incentive to give up before losses become too devastating. When a player sees that defeat cannot be avoided, it is far better to concede than to continue a pointless war while destroying your assets in the process. This is a strategy game, not an idle hyper-task one.

Winning a fight means you could suddenly amass a considerable fortune if you capture enough enemy assets. So, even if you break a few friendships, the newly gained fortune and power should be able to make some heads turn. Losing it could mean the devastation of your resources and assets and also leave you vulnerable. Being able to draw the line where you think an attack is worth it isn't something easy, and it's not something we want players to be able to spam. We want players to think carefully before an attack and weigh the outcomes.

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